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A woman walking on a bridge

Retreat Details


We are blessed to be sharing our maloca for this sacred work. It has become a sacred container that will hold the energies for this work beautifully. There will be comfortable mattresses on the floor where you will sit in ceremony and eventually sleep. We will also have pillows and a blanket. We invite you all to stay in the space throughout the night, as it deepens the experience to remain in the vibration and energy of the medicine. 


You will have access to a kitchen, showers and multiple living spaces where you can go and reflect during the day. You are also welcomed to use the maloca (after 12:00) if you need to move, meditate or practice yoga. We ask that everyone remain mindful of maintaining and respecting the space. There are places to rest inside the main house as well.


  • Extra blankets for your comfort. One will be provided for you.  It will be a long meditation after nightfall, so you might want to lay down.

  • Comfortable clothing - white clothing is suggested but not required for the ceremonies. Layers are a good idea as the medicine works with your digestive fire, and you may feel cold or hot during the night.  A bathing suit and towel.

  • Optional to bring a journal for before or after the work if desired

  • Water bottle 

  • Earplugs and eye mask as we will be sharing space with others 

  • Flashlight/ head lamp Preferably with red light


Arrival Time 

Our weekend starts Friday afternoon. Arrival time is at 12:00 and goes until 12:00 on Sunday. Please arrive promptly so that you have time to settle in, set up your space. Each day of ceremony we start after sundown. 


After ceremony, which usually lasts for 4-5 hours, we will  sleep in the ceremony space. It is important that you are no longer in effect before leaving the ceremonial space. Plan to remain on the retreat grounds for the duration of the retreat. 


The following morning breakfast will be ready between 8:00- 9:00 and a sharing circle at 10:30. We will serve a light lunch around 2pm and then it is important to fast until we go into ceremony at between 8:00-9:00pm. You are welcome to explore the property, commune with the cats, walk around the gardens, and sit quietly in reflection throughout the day.


We would HIGHLY recommend not to make any plans on the day of departure, except for being in silence, with a loved one, or in nature. 


Sunday you will have the opportunity to go for a group walk in nature after breakfast and our sharing circle. This is optional, but highly recommended.



In the Shipibo tradition, it is customary to sit for multiple nights. The more nights we have to work with each person, the deeper the scope of the healing work. We feel that giving the experience of two or three days allows deeper resonance with the work, the community, the healing and for the integration to occur. 


The Shaman will want to talk to you regarding the ceremony with medicine and your intention. The grandmother spirit is present in this medicine, and she holds ancient wisdom that shows you exactly what you are ready to receive. The Shaman can help answer any questions and guide you along this path. 


During ceremony, there will be an assistant to help guide you in case you experience a difficult time or need help walking. Sometimes during the work, difficult subjects arise, and it’s ok to ask for help in that case. You will not be left alone.


In ceremony we are silent. We ask that you do not curse. You can of course express yourself if you have an emotional purge, or if you need help, you can ask discreetly. We will give you more info upon the night of ceremony.


No phones or electrical devices are allowed during ceremony.


Please refrain from wearing any perfumes, essential oils or colognes or even strong scented deodorant. Smells, visions, sounds are heightened during ceremony. The Shaman my use specific scented flower waters, tobacco or palo santo.



Take time out, if possible, the day before to focus on your intentions for this ceremony. Avoid watching TV or going to the movies. Try to get some quiet time to meditate and reflect, this will greatly enhance your experience as well as the integration after.



We will be providing light nourishing vegetarian meals after each ceremony. If you have any dietary requests, please let us know. Food will be dieta friendly, vegetarian, gluten free etc. 



After this experience you may be tempted to share your experience with many. Please remember to hold the experience discreetly. If you wish to refer close family and friends, please reach out to Chonon Nita first.


Chonon Nita Sanctuary is located on private property and we are choosing to be very discerning with who we invite in. Thank you for your understanding. 



Certain medications must not be taken over various periods prior to the seminars. This includes antidepressants (MAO inhibitors, serotonin re-uptake inhibitors), antihistamines, painkillers, tranquilizers, all stimulants including orally taken nasal decongestants, diet pills, medications for attention deficit disorder and other meds, many prescriptions and some over the counter.


Ulcers, certain heart, liver, psychiatric conditions and epilepsy present real danger in the context of the seminar. If you are taking any of the above mentioned or other prescription-based medications, or have experienced health conditions listed above, or other serious health issues, please let us know before committing to dates. We will then discuss what is possible and the best path to the seminar.


Full disclosure of medications and health conditions is an absolute must 

for joining the Circle. Medical History form is available on the website.


The rule of thumb is that you should be off all medications for 15 days, prior to your first work. If you have any specific questions regarding meds, please email us asap. Full disclosure about medications is mandatory.


We must be informed if you are or have been taking any of the following:

• Antidepressants or other medications that contain MAO inhibitors and serotonin uptake inhibitors (not to be taken       for 15 days prior to gathering)

• Tranquilizers (not to be taken for 15 days prior to gathering)

• Antibiotics (not to be taken for 7 days prior to gathering)

• Antihistamines (not to be taken for 5 days prior to gathering)

• Painkillers including Advil and aspirin (not to be taken for 5 days prior to gathering)

• Flu medications (not to be taken for 5 days prior to gathering)

Any other medications that are not listed, let us know about asap. Thank you.


General Health Concerns

We must be informed if any of the following apply to you:

• If you have any severe heart problems

• If you have high or low blood pressure

• If you are or have been taking antidepressants within the last year and/or if you have ever been hospitalized for psychiatric problems

• If you have any liver issues

• If you have or have had epilepsy

• If you have or have had ulcers, IBS or other stomach ailments

  • If you are or think you are pregnant



This event is based on our mutual trust and community, so please respect confidentiality and privacy around the event. By participating you are agreeing to not disclose to anyone outside our circle, the names of anyone else involved, including the organizer, the facilitator, the host or any of the participants. We also ask that you not talk about the location of where we are working or the name of the place. You may of course discuss the nature of the work itself with very close friends or loved ones.


Please remember to not forward this form to anyone else and keep all information confidential!



 Shipibo Tradition in the Mahua liniage.


In the Peruvian Amazon, in the region of Ucayali, lives a population who are the guardians of sacred knowledge of the holy jungle, its kingdom and medicinal plants.

For millennia, the Shipibo people have kept a relationship with nature’s spirits, creating a link between the spiritual and the existential.


According to tradition, one or several persons in the local community are responsible for the communication between the material world and the spiritual worlds; where plants, animals and ancestral spirits unite.

These people are called "Onanya"  Also known as shaman or medicine person. A person who calls upon the spirits for guidance and healing.


They travel in the invisible; their knowledge is ancient; they are the link between the physical and the spiritual worlds. Sacred Shipibo songs called Icaros and energy healing are their main tools. They also guide and open extended master plant diets for inner and outer cleansing, healing and for anyone interested in learning this art.

We are committed to working with small groups no larger than 6-8 people so that every person receives an individual  healing. 


We are looking forward to being together. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to if you have any questions.


Thank you, Gracias, Erraker



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